What is Vitiligo?: Aloe Vera and Vitiligo
Vitiligo is a non-contagious disease that affects melanocytes. Then the cells produce melanin. And also the pigment responsible for the colouring of our skin. In fact, those who suffer from this disorder have real white patches on the epidermis, called hypochromic or achromic patches.
The spot areas most affected are the face. Then hands, feet and genitals. Moreover, it can happen that the discolouration can extend to body hair. Then, hair, beard, eyelashes and eyebrows. And even the lips and eyes, but without risk to the sight.
Both men and women can suffer from it. And then the age at which it most frequently appears is between 10 and 20. At-risk are those who suffer from:
- Diabetes
- Hypo- and hyperthyroidism
- Alopecia Area-ta
- Pernicious anaemia.
Discolouration may be associated with itching, especially in the acute phase.
Causes of the disease: Aloe Vera and Vitiligo
The causes of vitiligo are still unclear. The cause of vitiligo is the loss of melatonin. But scientists and doctors are trying to do research on it.
There are several hypotheses:
- Vitiligo could be an autoimmune disease, in which the immune system itself attacks the melanocytes;
- it could be genetic since 30% of cases are family-related.
The onset of the disorder could also be associated with:
- Oxidative stress
- Abnormal functioning of the nervous system
- Short-circuiting of melanocytes, which themselves produce toxic molecules
- Traumatic events, as well as interventions
- External toxic agents
- Eating disorders
- Severe sunburn.
Itching usually announces the worsening of the disorder. But the discoloured areas can remain like this for years without spreading.
Vitiligo remedy
We cannot cure Vitiligo But keep it under control. Targeted medical treatment includes a combination of drugs, supplements and sometimes phototherapy.
Vitiligo natural remedy: what can be done naturally is to maintain a constant focus on skincare. And also using products that contain principles useful for the disorder. In this case, Aloe comes to our rescue.
Thanks to Aloe Vera you can work on “internal” and “external” symptoms:
- the gel has important regenerating and moisturizing properties,*. softens the skin and can produce excellent results. Use the gel on a regular basis and can bring real benefit to blemishes, certainly preventing extension but also improving the health of the skin, which will be nourished and healthy;
- in addition, drinking Aloe has positive effects on the immune system. which plays a major role in this disease. Again, constant use can help strengthen the body and prevent the disease from worsening. Consume the juice every morning, preferably on an empty stomach.
Obviously, these are natural products that do not constitute a cure. But, combined with medical treatment, they can be a very effective remedy for vitiligo. Always consult your doctor for useful advice and recommendations.
On our website, you will find Aloe Vera Gel, also in travel size, perfect for carrying in your bag. You can also choose from a wide range of juices: we recommend Pure Aloe Vera juice.
Adopt natural remedies to take care of your skin in a healthy and natural way. A little help will give you great relief!
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