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Herbal teas, Natural remedies, Tisanes
Africa Herbal Teas or African Herb is a centre of natural medicine and Human Development that trains, informs, advises, directs and treats. We are and will always listen to you for all your physical, mental and spiritual health problems. You can trust us and we will make sure you are not disappointed. Do not be afraid of our herbal teas. All plants used are for scientifically proven use. The remedies are used at well-studied doses.
The recommended recipes are all confirmed recipes and we will help you find the plants locally and also give you the names in your local language (Wolof, Bambara, Baoulé, Yoruba, Fon, Fan, Minan, etc.). We can also send you inexpensively plants and products that you do not find locally. Our main concern is to get everyone to know a minimum of plants and products for his needs and those around him. But not to become a healer or traditional healer because African medicine is both science and art.
The headline: Our Best Treatment
And nobody can really learn it without physical contact on a site or in a document. There is a little something that is transmitted by physical contact that no one can get at a distance. It’s not to discourage you, it’s the truth. I was lucky enough to be initiated very early to this wonderful science by my late father Zougnon Houssou who was in his time a great healer (Peace to his soul).
Pray for him because God healed many sick and saved a lot of life through his channel. I am proud of his legacy.
This situation led me to the effective practice of African medicine for many years in BENIN and Ivory Coast, not to mention personal research, complementary training in Naturotherapy (Naturotherapy course at « LIFE and ACTION in France ») with a glance at traditional Chinese medicine.
Biography: Our Best Treatment
Luckily there was no deviation and I did not give up my studies for the African pharmacopoeia. The Lord helped me to better manage both. I got my baccalaureate C in 1982, did my military service (1982-1983) followed by five years of training in mathematics at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) of BENIN in Porto-Novo. Therefore, you understand that I am a professor of career mathematics, Naturotherapist and Tradipratician by inheritance and passion. In fact, I have a good vocation for both because health and education are the undeniable foundations of any society. It’s a great pleasure to see a patient recover from an illness or a candidate pass an exam. But for professional reasons, teaching sometimes takes over.
However, I remain a traditional practitioner in my soul because I have faith in African medicine and I am convinced that Africa can assert itself in this area as CHINA has done so well with its traditional medicine. We have this challenge to take up. This is possible if we stop fighting, if we stop wars, personal problems, divisions and if we unite for the same just causes.
Our goals
Our common cause must be the welfare of humanity in general and Africans in particular and not the permanent and excessive thirst for power. We must promote this admirable science that God himself has given to Africa’s cradle of humanity. Many secrets and remedies are abandoned or lost sometimes rightly because not contributing to the progress of man but many others still exist and deserve to be safeguarded and valued.
The most important things
African medicine is exciting for those who know it and it should be a universal passion because of its richness, its complexity, its simplicity and especially its effectiveness. The true African healer is at the same time a doctor, a pharmacist, a psychologist and a priest. It can not be otherwise since the human being creates in the image of God is body soul and spirit and if one of the three components is the other two are sick immediately.
So to be effective, any therapy must take into account the three-dimensional man by caring not only the body. But especially the mind. Naturalists speak of the integral health of man.
No one can give you perfect health and everyone must take control of their health by learning about natural methods of physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
There are rules that govern life on earth, the supreme creator wanted it that way. Everything is « action and reaction, every action you do condemns, protects or saves you, some people pay you cash and others later on, or even on future generations, it’s divine justice, everyone will be their own judge.
By his good or bad deeds, you see yourself and God sees you, everything is recorded and no one can lie to himself, everything is written and no one will be able to escape, so let us pay attention to our way of life on all levels
All about our site
. From this point of view, the site Afrique-tisanes wishes to be a site of sharing of the lived experience. Is very useful for you with its councils and its workshops of formation. We are with your listening. We have no pretension to hold the truth, but we can agree on what is essential in order to progress together, always consult Africa-tisanes.
Do not hesitate. Talk about it. It would be your way of helping us spread the virtues of African medicinal plants and the benefits of some facts Natural health rs. You will not be disappointed. The blessing will come back to you because everything is « action and reaction. » Never forget it: every act of good or bad (in action or in thought) that you ask will return to you as a blessing or a curse, except divine mercy.
Information: Our Best Treatment
Get informed, heal and stay in shape with the power of nature. The Supreme Creator who loves us with an indescribable love has planned everything for our well being. We provide you with free and simple recipes. Novices will find simple remedies that they can compose themselves for personal use and they can also ask for help. Those who know a little about herbal medicine will benefit a lot from this site.
They will compose the remedies using scientifically proven plants to be more effective, but we ask them not to sell too much of what they got for free because it is not our goal. This site is social and non-profit.
But we can not finish without making our small contribution to the world of education in general and mathematics, in particular, to help our learners to have a good working method for better performance. Students from high schools and colleges and even students will find techniques to test and strengthen their memory, some national exams, some exams white and especially exercises and homework of mathematics.
Our Condition: Our Best Treatment
This site can really help them to work with methods and more responsibility.
To live better and succeed in life everyone must take his health and training in hand. It is possible with a little organization. Nothing is impossible when you have a little faith and great determination because well being and success are deserved.
Please ask about your problems in the « contact us » section and you will be listened to.
The whole team of AFRIQUE-TISANES is at your disposal to serve you.
The centre also puts at your disposal, organic African medicinal plants. Organic herbal products, organic food supplements, therapeutic materials, etc. In addition, the online tutoring offered to high school. And then college students in mathematics is completely free.
Website: Our Best Treatment
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NB: Africa herbal teas provide you with everything you need for your well being. You will discover herbal teas for sexual health. herbal teas for various diseases and beauty products. Be patient and have a good discovery.
Herbal teas, teas, plants, organic products with Africa-Herbal-Teas
Herbal teas provide you with everything you need for your welfare. You will also discover herbal teas for sexual health, herbal teas for various diseases
You are welcome: Our Best Treatment
Thank you for your visit. You are welcome. Me, I’m a natural healer and teacher of Mathematics. I and our Doctors offer to you many herbal teas for your health. Furthermore, you will find interesting things for your mental and physical health. Take your time and good navigation. If you need help, we are at your disposal. Once again, thank you for your visit.
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Please visit our online store. For any order of 100 euros. And more, the post costs sending are free. So make sure to enjoy this free.
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