Product 023: How to tighten the vagina and tone the penis


How to tighten the vagina and tone the penis for a wonderful effect. It is good for fuck everywhere. Loveday after day with pleased.


How to tighten the vagina and tone the penis for a wonderful effect. It is good for fuck everywhere. Loveday after day with pleased.

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  • and tone strongly
  • How to tighten the vagina and tone the penis
  • the vagina
  • Tighten
  • your penis

 How to tighten the vagina and tone the penis

Soap is effective to tighten the vagina. It tones the penis.   the rod and the vagina give nice sensations of sex. It is a good remedy for soft erections and relaxed vaginas

Remedy 023: How to tighten the vagina and tone the penis

Product details

Weight 25g
Composition Black soap
Indications Frigidity, vagina relaxed, low libido, flaccid vagina, vagina not tonic
Active substances Astringent tannins, heteroside
Presentation Black well-packed soap
Directions for use Read the leaflet
Side effects none
Treatment duration 3 months renewable as necessary.
Price 20

Afrique-tisane N ° 023: Soap tonisex 2V tonifies yard vagina. Ensures firmness of the muscles of the lower abdomen, muscles the vagina and facilitates orgasm. It’s a good remedy

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Therapeutic effects

It provides great firmness to your lower abdomen, breasts, and also for genitalia within a short time. This 100% natural product acts on your various relaxed muscles, tightens them, tones them, awakens your sleeping nerves, and makes you also more sensitive and more sensual.

It is useful for both women and men. Tonisex 2V shrinks the vagina and tones the penis. This engenders the production of new cells and new muscles with an existing muscle strengthening.

The second part

New tissues start being born, and your whole being regenerates. This process will be done exactly as at the very beginning of your life as a couple where love was still fully living and where one could not do without the other.

Life for two is beautiful and very beautiful if it is fully lived in love and the fidelity of one to the other. Tonisex will bring you back to this moment and make a fresh start. Try to testify. Tonisex 4 lets you breathe new life into your life as a couple.

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Flaccid verge, soft breasts, flaccid muscles, relaxed vagina, relaxed clitoris, etc.

Directions for use


Every night and once a day, after the shower, wash the penis with soap and a soft sponge and proceed to a gentle circular massage of the penis, about ten minutes.


Make an intimate and regular toilet with a light massage at night at bedtime for a month and this is enough to restore your vagina, your vulva, and your clitoris firmness.

NB: You do the same to tone all your flaccid muscles: breasts, belly, lower abdomen, thighs, arms, rod, etc. Tonisex 4 activates circulation, awakens your tired nerves, tightens your tissues, and makes you active and vigorous. Useful for both women and men.

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Informations complémentaires

Poids 50 g

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