Product 028 Erectile Dysfunction,High sex drive, Natural Sex Booster for males.


There is no more erectile dysfunction with this herbal tea after use. This remedy acts not only on the sexual organs but also on the brain.


There is no more erectile dysfunction with this herbal tea after use. This remedy acts not only on the sexual organs but also on the brain.

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  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • High sex drive
  •  Natural Sex Booster for males, please
  • sexual
  •  Strengthen
  • Free recipe for erectile dysfunction,
  • How can I boost my sexual pleasure

Erectile Dysfunction, High sex drive, Natural Sex Booster for males

Erectile dysfunction has an effective solution with our Herbal tea. And Impotence also has a definitive solution with medicinal plants. So, what is erectile dysfunction or impotence?. It is the inability to get and also to keep an erection firm enough for sex. Considering this problem, we put at your disposal, our herbal tea composed of roots, barks, leaves, and fruits well studied. It also treats evil at its root. Furthermore, this remedy provides a good dose of testosterone and a stronger erection like a rock.

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Beneficial effects

It raises libido and fuck properly, helps to strengthen the erection, increases sexual stamina, improves blood flow to the penis, and also reduces fatigue and restores energy.

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Product details

Weight 50g
Composition Organic vegetable extracts
Properties Antioxidant
Active substances Tannins, heteroside, sterols, trace elements, etc.
Indications Frigidity, sexual weakness, low libido, soft erection, fatigue, impotency
Presentation Powder in sachet or pot
Directions for use Read the leaflet
Side effects Spicy taste
Treatment duration  7 days renewable at will
Price 50 €

Other active substances

– Micronutrients: Group B, C, and E vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, iodine, plant hormones, amino acids, resins,  as well as stimulants, exciting, ascending, revulsive, toning, etc.

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Therapeutic effects 

What is more, our product has exciting properties, stimulating the erogenous centres and also an activity similar to that of the hormones that influence the sexual sphere.  Moreover, it contains substances that act not only on the sexual organs but especially on the brain. To tell the truth, your mind is awake and thus acts of love are more original and creative.

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Our herbal tea is a good solution for erectile dysfunction

Firstly, the powder enhances vitality, increases physical and mental endurance, and promotes learning and memorization functions. Secondly, it promotes vigilance, fights stress, and fatigue including insomnia, promotes nervous relaxation, produces organic fluid, and strengthens will, determination and self-confidence. The erection is stronger and lasts longer. Most importantly, as our remedy is good for blood circulation, it gives strength and allows the man to fuck harder and longer. The penis becomes big, strong, and powerful. And finally, it makes a man becomes a strong man after using the remedy well.

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The product is good for men

Because of the diuretic effect of the product, active substances, especially essential oils, and resins, expelled with urine, irritate the urinogenital tract with vascular congestion, and they also stimulate nerve receptors which indirectly facilitate a hard erection and long.

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The product is rich in sterols

Sterols and phytohormones (vegetable sex hormones) of the products, induce a stimulating and energetic activity that positively influences the hormonal action of the genitals (estrogen, testosterone, etc.). Indeed, the phytohormones that it contains act both on the central nervous system and on the glands with internal secretion with hormonal correlations and thus very effectively combat the decline in libido, the impotence of endocrine or psychic origin in emotional subjects.

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The product is rich in micro-nutrients

As a result, micro-nutrients present in the products such as zinc, copper, iodine, magnesium, starch, and amino acids combat fatigue, frigidity, sexual impotence, revitalization, and increase physical energies, and sexual energies. So, you have elements that excite you, stimulate you, and others that give you energy and balance your body like vasodilatory and balancing substances (tannins, trace elements, starch, caffeine, theobromine, etc.)

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Erectile dysfunction, sexual weakness, sex drive, male impotency,  premature ejaculation, lack of sexual secretion, sperm deficiency, and finally frigidity.

Directions for use: Read the leaflet

Note: Having erection trouble from time to time isn’t necessarily a cause for concern. But if erectile dysfunction is an ongoing issue, however, it can cause stress, affect your self-confidence and contribute to relationship problems.

Problems getting or keeping an erection can also be a sign of an underlying health condition that needs treatment and a risk factor for heart disease. So Go and see your doctor if your problem continues after our treatment.

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Informations complémentaires

Poids 50 g

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