Product 145: African Medicine, Positive Belief Incense of Happiness

happiness and peace incense. The best incense to get peace and joy. It has been proven effective and has no side effect. Make your order now.


happiness and peace incense. The best incense to get peace and joy. It has been proven effective and has no side effects. Make your order now.

African Medicine, Positive Belief Incense of Happiness


About the product

Positive Belief Incense of happiness is an ancient remedy of great efficiency .whether you, believe it or not, it works, the likes attract. It’s indeed a good remedy. This helps in fact with self-fulfillment and inner peace. Herbal Tea No. 145: African Medicine, Positive Belief Incense of happiness facilitates also peace in the home. In addition, it added love in the home, and an increase in gain. Favorable to business, prosperity, chance to gamble, trade as well as success.

Product details

Weight: 50g

Composition:  Incense, resin, myrrh, guila, sulfur, vegetable, and also mineral extracts.

Active substances: Tannins, resins, prayers do not mention specific elements
Antiseptic properties, anti-inflammatory, spiritual attraction, etc.

Indications: Desire for happiness, need for money, job, social climbing, etc.

Presentation: powder in sachet or pot

Instructions for use: Read the instructions

Duration of treatment: 21 days renewable at will or occasional use

Price: 20 euros

The therapeutic effects of incense

Herbal Tea No. 145: Active Incense of Happiness helps with self-fulfillment and inner peace. Active Incense of Happiness facilitates home peace, love at home, and increased earning. Favorable to business, prosperity, a chance to gamble, trade, and success.
Chance to play, prosperity, trade, business as well as material success. Discover the formula and also the method. Your situation may change in the blink of an eye.
Herbal Tea 145: Active Incense of Happiness facilitates home peace, love at home, and increased earning. Favorable to business, prosperity, chance to gamble, trade, and also success.

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