Product 100: Cancers Natural Care With Medicinal Plants

Cancers Natural Treatment. 12 products in 1 to help you to overcome more than 12 types of cancer shortly. Make your order now.


Cancers Natural Treatment. 12 products in 1 to help you to overcome more than 12 types of cancer shortly. Make your order now.


About benign or malignant tumors

For naturalists, the first cause of the disease is diet. This first cause also includes lifestyle, intoxication, poor drainage of the body and as well as our environment increasingly pollution. Man H prepares his own end, the end of others, even the end of the world.

Today, no one is sure of the purity of the air he breathes, the healthy origin of what he eats, and sometimes the drugs he consumes. Everything is tampered with, hacked, denatured, chemical and artificial, nothing is no safer and we have become artificial beings, living sick and potentially dead.

Diseases other times rare have become very frequent with multiple names and specialists of all kinds. We have good surgeons for the quick extraction of fibroids, cysts, polyps, and prostate adenomas (prostate tumors) but, some tumors especially fibroids grow back very quickly if the patient does not change his lifestyle. All the words (fibroid, myoma, cyst, polyp, prostate adenoma, etc.) only designate the same thing, the same disease and the only difference is just the affected organ because of the bad drainage.

All these words, other times strange have become very popular because of the generalization of these diseases. Our internal mucosa is very irritated and very assaulted (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, abuse of acidic medicines, misuse of fake medicines, abuse of antibiotics, etc.), we eliminate badly, our blood is overloaded with toxins and all these tumors testify to the effort of the body to get rid of internal toxins and to fight various irritations.

Other information: Cancers natural Treatment

Depending on the origin of the toxins and their starting point, the body deposits them in different places so as to better protect the vital organs in the way we make piles of the garbage when our house is too dirty. Sometimes our house, our environment is so polluted that it is difficult to clean everything up in an instant. This is exactly what happens in our inner world that needs to be detoxified regularly. Seen from the outside we present a beautiful appearance, but seen from within it is a lot of problems of mental, physical, and spiritual order.

Thus, tumors are just piles of internal garbage composed of various wastes such as fat, muscle, hair, bone, blood, hair, pus, toxins, chemical, etc.

As there are several types of waste, we have also several types of tumors including localized tumors without branching called benign tumors and tumors with branching called malignant or cancerous tumors. To help you, the center Africa-Health-Bio puts several products at your disposal of which the N ° 10 herbal tea can help you as a preventive as well as a curative measure.

This herbal tea heals and also eliminates benign internal tumors (fibroids, myomas, cysts, polyps, prostate adenomas, sebaceous cysts, etc.) with great efficiency. Whether the tumor is on a mucous membrane or in a muscle, the active substances of the tea will do their job. Make the experience and you will surely see the wonders of nature. Even though you are healthy, you need this herbal tea to purify your body. In addition, if you are suffering from malignant or cancerous tumors, you need herbal tea N ° 098 or herbal tea 099 or herbal tea 100 active on almost any type of cancer.

According to WHO statistics, 70% of the living are undeclared patients. 20% are really sick and know what they are suffering from. There are only 10% of perfectly healthy people with the majority of children. The 90% of people who live in big cities are street patients or carriers of many germinating diseases due to pollution and bad life.

Product details: Cancers natural Treatment

Weight 50g


Rare plant extracts, anti-cancer plants, anti-tumor


Reducing malignant tumors, immunoreconstituant, antioxidants, etc.

Active substances

– Absorbent, antioxidant, anti-tumor, and reducing elements


Powder in jar or bag

Instructions for use

Read the instructions


Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer, Stomach Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer

Liver Cancer, Uterine Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Esophagus Cancer, Lung Cancer, Leukemia.

Side effects


Duration of treatment

6 months renewable with 4 sachets of herbal tea per month.

Unit price 200 €

Therapeutic effects

Cancers Natural Care with medicinal plants effectively fights 12 types of cancer and even more. This herbal tea kills cancer cells by sparing healthy cells. It is an absorbent and adsorbent remedy that neutralizes malignant cells and preserves healthy cells. It kills cancer cells without harming healthy cells. The herbal tea acts quickly on cancer cells. This allows the regeneration of new healthy cells in the body.

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