Product108: Rectocolitis Crohn’s Disease Natural Treatment

Rectocolitis Natural Treatment. Overcome rectocolitis with a simple recipe. Read till the end to discover our best treatment. Make your order.


Rectocolitis Natural Treatment. Overcome rectocolitis with a simple recipe. Read till the end to discover our best treatment. Make your order.

Rectocolitis Crohn’s Disease Natural Treatment


This Herbal tea heals indeed the disease rectocolitis quickly. Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines. Irritation, inflammation, and ulceration begin at the level of the lining of the rectum and then gradually reach the entire colon, without discontinuity.

Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease is an autoimmune, inflammatory, and chronic disease of the digestive system. It is very similar to rectocolitis with the same symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, intestinal ulcers, weight loss, stools sometimes bloody, etc. In Crohn’s disease, the lesions are discontinuous and then leave healthy mucosal intervals. The two pathologies are of unknown origins to date but a hereditary factor of food origin can not be excluded because children often inherit the eating habits and way of life of their parents.

About the product: Rectocolitis Natural Treatment

This herbal tea No. 108 Rectocolitis, Crohn’s disease natural treatment quickly heals all forms of internal wounds and ulcerations. It is a good remedy.

Product details

Weight 50 g
Absorbent compositions


Antioxidant, absorbent, covering, adsorbent, etc.


Rectocolitis, Crohn’s disease, internal wounds, etc.

Active substances

Tannins, glycoside, Absorbent, antioxidant, restorative, healing, absorbent, adsorbent, antiseptic not to mention anti-inflammatory elements, etc.


Powder in sachet or pot

Instructions for use

Read the instructions

Side effects none

Duration of treatment

Three months renewable needed.

Price 50 €

Therapeutic effects of the powder:Rectocolitis Natural Treatment

Because of its great reconstituting, absorbing, sticky, adsorbent, antiseptic, healing, and anti-inflammatory power the dressing holds and acts deeply on the internal mucosa. Taking fasting literally covers the gastrointestinal mucosa, protects them, and helps to heal while absorbing toxins present in the digestive tract. The powder cleanses the mucosa by absorbing all impurities, toxic substances, and also pathogenic germs. It does so with intelligence, by not destroying the beneficial bacterial flora for health. The powder consolidates the affected tissues and also heals wounds. It stops inflammation, attracts morbid substances, putrid, absorbs and purifies abscesses and ulcerations in this way If you knew all its benefits, you will surely consume even healthy because is very rich in minerals and oligo – Elements (silica, aluminum, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc, selenium, cobalt, manganese, lime, etc.).

Instructions for use

The herbal tea successfully treats ulcerative colitis as well as internal inflammation.
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