Product 051: Hemorrhoids, constipation, natural treatment. Best remedy


Hemorrhoids natural cream. The best cream to get rid of the evil. It has been proven effective and has no side effects. It is the best cream.

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Haemorrhoids/Constipation Natural Treatment

They correspond to varicose veins (abnormal and permanent dilation of the veins) around the anus. They always followed a long period of constipation or irritation. The causes are numerous but always associated with poor blood circulation. Then poor drainage of toxins. They are bothersome and also painful with sometimes bleeding.

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External hemorrhoids are haemorrhoids that affect veins outside the anus. These haemorrhoids can cause bleeding. They can also cause cracking, and also itching. Home remedies can also treat most external haemorrhoidsHemorrhoids are often caused by straining while having a bowel movement.

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Blood in the stool: Hemorrhoids natural cream

Firstly People with external haemorrhoids may also notice some blood when they pass stool. Secondly, the blood is typically on the stool’s outer surface. Furthermore, it is also bright red because it usually comes directly out of haemorrhoids rather than anywhere else in the gastrointestinal tract.

Blood from haemorrhoids should be minimal. Anyone with external haemorrhoids who notices a significant amount of blood should contact their doctor.

Blood clots in the haemorrhoid

External haemorrhoids can also be very painful if they become thrombosed. Thrombosed haemorrhoids are usually purple-blue.

A thrombosed haemorrhoid occurs when the veins that cause the bulge in the haemorrhoid develop a blood clot. As a result, blood is unable to flow to haemorrhoids, and the effect can be extremely painful.

The body will often absorb the blood clot. Therefore reducing the symptoms and easing the pain.

When the blood clot passes or the body reabsorbs it, external haemorrhoids may sometimes leave behind a perianal skin tag.

This natural treatment is effective. As a matter of the product works against varicose veins, haemorrhoids, varicocele as well as venous insufficiency. Furthermore for the same disease, same cause we use the same remedy. Do not deceive yourself and let no one deceive you. We desire for you a definitive and also a sure cure. Equally important is Herbal tea N ° 051: Hemorrhoids, constipation is an excellent remedy for any form of haemorrhoids. It purifies the blood and activates also blood circulation. In like manner, it increases the resistance of the small blood vessels. the tone of the veins and stops the possible bleeding caused by the hemorrhoidal disease.

The Herbal tea N ° 051 activates the blood circulation, absorbs the beads, increases the resistance of the veins, and also stops any bleeding. Truly, it is a good remedy.

Product details

Weight 50g
Composition Vegetable extracts.
Properties Astringent, absorbent, depurative, vasoconstrictors
Active substances Tannins, heteroside, alkaloids, flavonoids, etc.
Presentation Powder in a pot or pouch
Directions for use Read the leaflet
Directions Haemorrhoids, constipation as well as sebaceous cysts
Side effects Bitter taste
Duration of treatment Three months
Price 30 €


-powder in 50g sachet or pot.


Extracts of absorbent plants, astringents, mild laxatives not to mention antioxidants, etc.

Active substances

-Anti-inflammatory, astringent, and also antioxidant ingredients

Price: 20 €

Therapeutic effects

herbal tea N° 051. Herbal tea is rich in vasoconstrictive, vasculoprotective, vein tonic, depurative, antioxidant, and also immunoreconstituent elements that increase the tone of the veins and facilitate the elimination of toxins with good detoxification.

Indications: Hemorrhoids natural cream

Haemorrhoids, chronic constipation as well as intoxication.

Directions for use

Boil a tablespoon of the powder in a litre of water. After let it cool, and filter it. Keep in a cool place. Drink half-glass, 3 times a day. Add the juice of a ripe lemon to the socket. Three months of renewable treatment two to four times. Healing assured.

Note: Hemorrhoids, varicose veins, varicocele as well as venous insufficiency are all diseases linked to the veins. And all is only a matter of localization of the inflammation.

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Note: The herbal tea, therefore, activates the circulation, tones the hemorrhoidal veins, absorbs the inflammation completely, stops the bleeding and swelling of the veins of the anus. It is indeed a good treatment for curing them.

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