Product 070: Poly healing, panacea for heal many diseases.

Poly healing remedy. A panacea of thousands of virtues. It has been proven effective and has no side effects. Make your order now.


Poly healing remedy. A panacea of thousands of virtues. It has been proven effective and has no side effects. Make your order now.

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  •  A natural panacea of thousands of virtues
  • panacea for healing many diseases.
  •  Poly healing

Poly healing/Panacea for healing many diseases

In the first place, Poly healing is a panacea to cure and heal many serious diseases and declared incurable. Furthermore, It is an immunoreconstituent field of medicine. In addition, It purifies and also regenerates the body. Remedy 070 is a panacea for treating chronic diseases. Further, It is a complex of antioxidants, immunoreconstituent, antibiotics as well as depuratives able to purify the body, regenerate the body, regulate and protect the body.

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Product details 

Weight 100g
Composition Extracts of 12 vegetables, seeds of nigella, moringa, fagara, cassia siberiana, cochlospermum tinctorium, and also nauclea
Properties Immunoreconstituent, antioxidant, dietary supplement, antibiotics, antiviral, depurative, laxative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory as well as anti-tumor
Active substances Tannins, saponosides, alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, quinones, fagaricin, micronutrients, faganonines not to mention tramadol
Presentation Powder in a pot
Directions for use Read the leaflet
Indications Chronic illnesses, bizarre diseases, intoxication, chronic infections, rebel infections, heaviness, inappetence, hemorrhoids, liver, constipation, HIV, female sterility, and also cancers
Side effects None
Duration of treatment Three months renewable
Price 100 €

Therapeutic effects

Obviously  Herb tea N ° 070: poly healing is a good remedy for all diseases except death. The herbal tea 070: poly healing is a good remedy for detoxification.  Furthermore, it purifies the body by ridding it of waste. and toxins responsible for almost all diseases of a modern man. Modern man lives badly. Therefore he eliminates badly that the body finds itself too negatively charged. The herbal tea N ° 070 poly healing is at the same time an excellent nutritional supplement rich in a micronutrient, antioxidants. And also immunoreconstituent elements.

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It not only brings many vital elements to the body of the weak, depressed, malnourished. but also pregnant women. Then growing children. And also,  the elderly, the sick, the HIV-positive. As well as the convalescent, etc. Moreover, it is a food drug (alicament). The herbal tea N ° 070 poly healing regulates indeed the rate of minerals. And also vitamins in their right proportion. Nothing in excess and nothing less. The herb tea N ° 070 poly healing brings to the weak body, sick, many elements antioxidant and also immune constitutive. Therefore the herbal tea N ° 070 poly healing strengthens the immune system. In addition, it ensures growth, renewal. And normal development. The body, once well cleaned and well strengthened. Certainly can be able to defend itself against the invasion of foreign and pathogenic substances (bacteria, microbes, viruses, yeasts).


Firstly it is used for Chronic Diseases, Bizarre Diseases. Secondly, for Poisoning. Then, Chronic Infections, Rebel Infections, Heaviness, Inappetence. Also,  Hemorrhoids, Liver, and finally for  Constipation, HIV . not to mention Female Infertility, etc.

Directions for use

Read the leaflet

Note: Personally I thank it is important to consult your doctor in case of doubt.

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Multipurpose malnutrition Psoriasis herpes HIV infections Chronic diseases

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