Product 064: Typhoid fever, natural treatment, herbal tea.

Typhoid fever treatment.The best herbal tea to heal your predicament shortly. It has been proven effective and has no side effects. Oder it


Typhoid fever treatment.The best herbal tea to heal your predicament shortly. It has been proven effective and has no side effects. Oder it

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Typhoid Fever Natural Treatment

Typhoid fever is caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria. In fact, this disease spreads through contaminated food and water or through close contact with someone who’s infected. Signs and symptoms usually include a high fever. Then a headache, abdominal pain, and either constipation or diarrhoea.

Most people with typhoid fever feel better within a few days of starting antibiotic treatment, although a small number of them may die of complications. Typhoid is usually transmitted by water or food, in much the same way as cholera. Furthermore, People who are infected excrete live bacteria in their faeces as well as urine.Additionally,  they are usually contagious for a few days before any symptoms develop, so they don’t know they need to take extra precautions. If they don’t wash their hands properly, the typhoid bacillus can be transferred to food or water and from there to another person.

Also, it can be spread directly from person to person via contaminated fingers. For signs and symptoms, people can have a fever that starts low and increases daily headaches. Then weakness and fatigue, muscle aches. Also,  sweating, dry cough, loss of appetite and weight loss, abdominal pain, diarrhoea or constipation, rash not to mention extremely swollen abdomen.

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Herbal tea N ° 064 Antibiotex F, cures typhoid fever in a short time of certainty. Even if you are taking a classic antibiotic treatment for typhoid fever, it is necessary to combine the herb tea N ° 64 Antibiotex F to facilitate the evacuation of germs half-dead or asleep. More also, the drainage of toxins is necessary to ensure a complete as well as a definitive cure without any risk of recurrence.

Product details

Weight 50g
Composition Antibiotic and depurative vegetable extracts
Properties Antioxidant.Then antibacterial. And  depurative, antioxidant, antibiotic,
Active substances Tannins, heterosides, flavonoids, etc.
Indications Typhoid fever, hepatic poisoning
Presentation Powder in a pot or pouch
Directions for use Read the leaflet
Side effects Bitter taste
Duration of treatment A month
Price 30 €

Therapeutic effects

The Herbal Tea 064 Antibiotex F is a gift from God of a formidable efficacy against the bacterium Salmonella of typhoid fever.

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The Herbal Tea 064 Antibiotex F by its composition is rich in active substances of proven efficacy against the bacterium of typhoid fever.  Furthermore, It contains antioxidant elements, which protect the liver, while the other elements act on the bacterium, which provides immediate relief and certain healing in a short time. Moreover, the depurative and also diuretic elements of the herb tea facilitate the evacuation of neutralized bacteria and toxins. If you are suffering from it, act quickly and then order immediately. Whatever the treatment followed, it is always good to use also a depurative herbal tea to rid the body of germs and toxins.


Typhoid fever, cirrhosis of the liver, etc.

Directions for use

Firstly Boil a tablespoon of the powder in a litre of water. Then let it cool down, and filter. Keep in a cool place. Drink half-glass, 3 times a day. Add the juice of a ripe lemon to the socket. Three months of treatment renewable four to eight times. Healing assured.

Note: It takes 4 sachets on average for one month of treatment.

Please visit https://www.afriquebio.

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