The virtues of the mandrake on fertility

The virtues of the mandrake on fertility

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Mandrake and erectile dysfunction

The anthropomorphic silhouette of the mandrake root is greatly fueled with the belief that. The plant owns a lot of virtues in favour of an unbridled libido. Because of all these qualities, they named it a miracle plant to put an end to erectile dysfunction.

Its reputation as a useful ally in favour of improved sexuality is mainly due to the resemblance of the rhizome to an erect penis.

Mandrake and fertility

However, it is not unlikely that mandrake root will improve the quantity and quality of sperm. Moreover, we recommended supporting couples who fail to procreate.

To know more :

Aphrodisiac products are generally to induce*. or intensify desire, an interesting concept for men with low libido.
The disorders of sexuality in men range from impotence to delayed ejaculation through a decrease in libido. Find out about erectile dysfunction natural treatment.


Mandrake contains toxic alkaloids which in high doses cause hallucinations. and tachycardias and even death. Nevertheless, It is contraindicated for pregnant women and children.

Warning: Plants are not harmless remedies. Never exceed the indicated doses.