004-Gongoli and Benefits: The Virtues of Gongoli Uses of Gongoli
Gongoli health benefits. Gongoli is one of the most widely used natural aphrodisiacs in Africa. It is a root called vetiver in French. Thus it is used in many African cultures. However, the plant naturally lubricates and perfumes the vagina and prevents urinary tract infections.
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What is Gongoli? What are the Benefits of Gongoli?
Gongoli is a plant with a thousand virtues. Gongoli cleanses the bladder and gives off a very good body odour. Thus it is done at all times in the couple. Regularly taking an infusion of Gongoli helps prevent premature menopause, ease painful periods and regularize periods. Men can also take an infusion of Gongoli. Thus, the use of gongoli is not recommended for pregnant women.
The Virtues of Gongoli The Benefits of Gongoli: Gongoli health benefits
Therefore for the virtues, we have:
Gongoli stimulates desire, frigidity, and helps remedy vaginal dryness. The plant brings sexual frolics back to life. It helps to naturally lubricate the vagina during sex and makes vaginal secretions smell good.
– Stimulates the liver, Cleanses and Detoxifies the entire reproductive system
– Prevents and acts against urinary tract infections
– Fights frigidity, vaginitis, vaginal dryness and itching
– Get rid of bad intimate odours
– Aphrodisiac
– Reduces acne
– Firms vaginal muscles and uterine lining
– Relieves digestive problems
– Anti-hemorrhagic and rich in iron
The Benefits of Gongoli and The Virtues of Gongoli
Gongoli root is used by African women. Thus come from a plant with large green tufts. However, these roots sink into the ground and can sometimes reach more than 3 meters in depth. As long as they are powerful, they are the ones that contain the most properties. For better conservation, they are harvested then dried and braided.
Gongoli: Shield against Pelvic Pain and Postpartum Treatment
Gongoli remains one of the lesser-known natural treatments in the world for relieving the pain associated with childbirth or with painful periods. Yet it is formidably effective. Indeed, after childbirth, women are prone to certain internal injuries in the stomach. The consumption of vetiver helps to cleanse the body and relieve these discomforts. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, it cleanses and purifies the body, thus ridding it of toxins. It is a real miracle plant for women who have just given birth. It helps to stimulate blood flow in the pelvic region and the uterus. Better still, it facilitates the return of diapers, that is to say, the resumption of menstruation after childbirth.
Gongoli to prepare the body before pregnancy
To prepare your body for conception, prevent miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies, the consumption of gongoli is widely recommended. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, it detoxifies the entire reproductive system and puts you in good condition for a healthy pregnancy, to term and without complications. In addition to being a fertility booster, it will provide your body with the nutrients essential for its proper functioning and the good health of your unborn baby.
Gongoli: a preventive treatment against urinary and vaginal infections
Super cleanser, African vetiver can be used as a preventive against vaginal and urinary tract infections. It is also preferred to eliminate bad intimate odours, vaginitis and relieve vaginal dryness. In addition, it firms the vaginal muscles as well as the uterine lining. It is particularly interesting for sexually active postmenopausal women because it contributes to the good humification of the vagina.
Vetiver to Treat Wounds: Gongoli health benefits
In some villages in Africa, the disinfectant, antibacterial and antiseptic properties of vetiver roots are used in the treatment of infected wounds. It is also used to eliminate pathogens from water. The traditional way to use the roots of vetiver to heal wounds is as follows: make a powder from the dry roots and apply it to the lesions. This promotes their disinfection and accelerates healing.
The virtues of Gongoli: Gongoli eliminates cellulite and excess fat
Little known for their diuretic effects, vetiver roots have a real draining power. This gives them the ability to rid the body of toxins but also of excess water present in the tissues, most often the cause of cellulite. If you suffer from water retention or have tried several remedies for cellulite without success, vetiver may just be the “miracle” cure for you.
The virtues of Gongoli: An aphrodisiac and natural libido booster
This brings us to the most popular use of vetiver, especially among African women. Indeed, it is associated with the gongoli of the aphrodisiac virtues. First of all, it is a natural lubricant and allows you to increase pleasure during sex. On the continent, it is nicknamed the « man-trap ». He is very famous for his ability to facilitate the first intimate relationships. Then, it is used to fight in a natural way the female frigidity and stimulates the libido.
Uses and virtues of Gongoli: Gongoli health benefits
– Rinse the plants
– Boil the mixture for 15 minutes in 2 litres of water (preferably with spring water)
– Drink a cup in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening 1 hour after the last meal
– Keep the mixture in the fridge for 1 week and reheat in a saucepan to drink (not in the microwave)
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