34-Pile Treatment In Nigeria, Hemmorrhoids Home Remedies

34-Pile Treatment In Nigeria, Hemmorrhoids Home Remedies

Pile Treatment In Nigeria. Piles are swollen veins in your anus and rectum. We have tried to make the list of 10 best home remedies in Nigeria

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In our development, we have tried to make the list of  10 best home remedies .and also they use directions that you can use to overcome piles or haemorrhoid disease.


 Piles Definition: Pile Treatment In Nigeria

Piles are swollen veins in your anus and rectum. Also known as haemorrhoids, they can be itchy and painful. It’s estimated more than 80% of the population will have them at one time or another.

They can be either internal or external. Internal haemorrhoids are located in the rectum and usually are not seen or felt. External haemorrhoids can be seen outside of the anus. It is an uncomfortable and unpleasing medical condition.

7 Best Herbal Cures And Treatment For Pile In Nigeria

But, it is not a serious medical condition and arises due to increased pressure of the external and internal veins around the rectum canal.

The causes of plies are low fibre diet, ageing, hereditary and pregnancy, and severe constipation. There are a lot of home remedies that can prevent piles.

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Pile Treatment In Nigeria

Home remedies to cure piles are listed below and you require no skills or special knowledge to try them out.

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1. Aloe Vera

This remedy works wonders for swollen and painful veins; it reduces bleeding piles and can also be used in different ways.

Using direction 1

  • You can cut the leaf of Aloe Vera in half and slightly heat
  • Apply this to the affected area before you go to bed.
  • You can also freeze the leaves and apply them on painful piles to reduce pain, itchiness or burning sensation.


Using direction  2

  • Take 1 tablespoon of roasted black cumin seeds and mix it with1 a tablespoon of unroasted black cumin seed.
  • Grind them together and take half a teaspoon of this powder with one glass of water every day

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2. Ginger: Pile Treatment In Nigeria

This is a naturally available treatment to get relief from the pile’s problem.

Using direction

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of ginger extract with mint extract.
  • One tablespoon of honey and lime juice.
  • Take this mixture every day to get relief from piles.

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3. Radish Juice: Pile Treatment In Nigeria

This remedy will reduce the swelling and pain associated with piles.

Using direction

  • Take the radish juice in the morning and at night.
  • Start with ¼ cup and gradually increase to ½ cup over one month.
  • Or you continue the remedy till there is relief from piles.

4. Banana: Pile Treatment In Nigeria

The banana has fibre in it and acts as a laxative. It helps to improve bowel movements so that you don’t have to strain when you are in the toilet. When your bowel movements are proper the problem will get reduced.

Using direction

  • Boil 1 banana with 1 cup of milk.
  • Mash well and take this mix three to four times a day.

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5. Leaves of Bitter Gourd: Pile Treatment In Nigeria

Bitter gourd leaves have medicinal value that will help to reduce pain and swelling.

Using direction

  • Crush the leaves of bitter gourd
  • Extract the juice from the crushed leaves and mix three teaspoons of this juice with one glass of buttermilk.
  • Drink this mixture on empty stomach, daily morning for at least one month.

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6. Lemon Juice

Though this remedy will cause some discomfort and burning sensation, it is very effective in reducing the pain caused by haemorrhoids.

Using direction

  • Take some freshly squeezed lemon juice and soak a clean cotton ball in this juice.
  • Apply the cotton ball to the anal area for five minutes and you will see faster relief from pain and swelling.

7.  Eat Fiber-Rich Food: Pile Treatment In Nigeria

The most important natural home remedy from this list of 7 best herbal cures and treatments for Pile in Nigeria is consuming the right food. To treat the piles or to prevent piles, one should have a proper diet which is rich in fibre.

  • Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • Use brown rice instead of white rice.
  • Include oatmeal, wheat bran, and pulses in your diet.

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8-Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic that may help relieve pain, itching, and discomfort. Tea tree oil may also help fight against bacteria that could otherwise lead to infections in damaged or irritated skin.

Using direction

Use tea tree oil along with other natural treatments, like witch hazel or aloe, for additional relief.

9-Coconut oil

Coconut oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties, according to 2008 research, which can reduce inflammation and swelling. Its analgesic (pain-relieving) properties can help to reduce discomfort caused by haemorrhoids. Its antibacterial properties allow haemorrhoids to heal faster, according to 2014 research.

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Using direction 

You can take coconut oil for haemorrhoids by consuming it regularly or by applying it externally. You can cook with the oil, apply it to external haemorrhoids with a cotton ball, add it to your bath, and more.

10-Cold compresses: Pile Treatment In Nigeria

Apply ice packs or cold compresses to the anus to relieve swelling for 15 minutes at a time. Cold compresses can be extremely effective for large, painful haemorrhoids.

Using direction

Be sure to wrap ice inside a cloth or paper towel. Never apply something frozen directly to your skin, since this can harm or damage the skin.

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