32- Coconut oil virtues on Angular Cheilitis ,Angular Cheilitis treament

32- Coconut oil virtues on Angular Cheilitis ,Angular Cheilitis treament

Coconut oil and Angular cheilitis. Coconut oil works well for healing the cracked dry corners of the mouth. It keeps the skin nourished.


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Overview: Coconut oil and Angular cheilitis

Angular cheilitis is a state that causes inflammation, and red patches form at the corners of the mouth that can bleed, itch and become painful. It is a fairly common condition that affects adults and kids alike.

Saliva are likely to collect in the angled edges of the mouth. The warmth and humidity in these crevices are ideal for the proliferation of certain bacteria and fungi found naturally inside the oral cavity.

This microbial overgrowth results in an infection called angular cheilitis, which triggers an inflammatory response from the immune system. The body releases inflammatory substances to the site of infection to fight the pathogens.

The underlying tissue inflammation is responsible for the dryness, itching, fissures, and sores that characterize this condition.

Among  Angular cheilitis home that works, we have coconut oil in the first place. Ple to discover it below:

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Home Remedies for Angular Cheilitis:Coconut oil and Angular cheilitis

Here are some home remedies that can help minimize the skin irritation caused by angular cheilitis and promote skin healing:

A- Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a fatty oil or semisolid fat extracted from fresh coconuts and used especially in making soaps and food products

coconut oil can help soothe angular cheilitis discomfort

Coconut oil works well for healing the cracked dry corners of the mouth. Its hydrating properties help keep the skin nourished and moist to avoid dryness.

Plus, coconut oil is credited with antimicrobial properties that help combat the underlying infection to accelerate recovery.

How to use:Coconut oil and Angular cheilitis

Moisturize the dry patches with organic extra virgin coconut oil multiple times a day. You can mix in a drop of tea tree oil for added benefits, but make sure not to lick the treated skin thereafter.

B. Petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly can be used to lubricate the dry patches around the mouth. Unlike regular moisturizers, it does not contain chemicals that will further irritate your already-sensitive skin.

Thanks to its thick consistency, petroleum jelly provides intensive hydration and forms a protective layer over the skin to prevent further damage as the wound heals. This helps relieve the irritation, speed up skin repair, and reduce the risk of secondary or recurrent infection.

How to use:

  1. Mix 5 drops of tea tree oil in some petroleum jelly.
  2. Apply the mixture to the affected skin.
  3. Leave it on for about an hour so that it seeps into your skin.
  4. Wipe your lips clean and apply plain petroleum jelly.

Note: Do not lick your lips after putting on this remedy because intake of tea tree oil can have deleterious effects.


C. Aloe vera:Coconut oil and Angular cheilitis

Aloe vera is renowned for its skin-healing properties that can prove effective against angular cheilitis. The water-rich gel of this plant cools and hydrates dry irritated skin.

Aloe vera’s antiseptic and antifungal effects help curb the fungal overgrowth responsible for the infection. It also works as an anti-inflammatory agent that relieves the pain, dryness, and itching associated with the condition.

How to use:

  1. Cut open an aloe vera leaf, scoop out its gel, and refrigerate the gel for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Gently massage the chilled gel onto the corners of your mouth.
  3. Let it dry for about 15–20 minutes before washing it off with cool water.

D. Honey

honey usage can help manage angular cheilitis

Honey is another ingredient with multiple therapeutic properties that can heal a variety of skin ailments, including angular cheilitis. A natural humectant, it imparts moisture to the skin and seals it in for prolonged hydration.

Additionally, honey exhibits antiseptic properties that help disinfect the skin for quick healing. It also helps curb the underlying inflammation to ease the pain, itching, and overall skin irritation.


How to use: Coconut oil and Angular cheilitis

  1. Apply honey to the affected area. You can also mix it with some mashed cucumber for better results.
  2. Leave it on for 15 minutes before washing it off.

Self-Care Measures to Manage and Prevent Angular Cheilitis

self-care measures to help prevent angular cheilitis

Observing these measures can prevent and nip angular cheilitis in the bud:

1. Stay hydrated:Coconut oil and Angular cheilitis

Moisturize your skin regularly, and drink at least 10–12 glasses of water every day to hydrate it from within. Proper fluid intake also helps your body function better and boosts its infection-fighting abilities.

2. Stop licking your lips

Some people have a habit of licking their lips, which not only increases the chances of developing angular cheilitis but can also aggravate the condition once it develops.

Others do it to relieve the dryness on their lips, not realizing that it will only make it worse. So, it’s best to avoid this habit altogether.

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3. Eat right

Consume a healthy diet that focuses on certain key nutrients, namely, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, all of which can help your skin heal better and fight infection.

Iron-rich foods include leafy greens, such as spinach, soybeans, and lentils, and red meats, such as lamb and beef. You can fulfil your zinc needs through green beans, asparagus, and Brussels sprouts.

Meanwhile, the best dietary sources for vitamin B12 include cheese, beef, lamb, and oily seafood like tuna and mackerel.

4. Avoid cosmetics

Don’t apply any makeup on your lips or the affected skin until the infection subsides. Cosmetics usually contain chemicals that can irritate the skin.

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5. Regulate your blood sugar

People with diabetes or prediabetes should keep their blood glucose levels under control to reduce the risk of angular cheilitis. Poorly managed diabetes can compromise your immunity and make you prone to contracting infections.

6. Maintain proper dental hygiene

Brush your teeth twice a day. If you wear dentures, clean them every night after you take them out. Proper cleaning involves brushing them with a denture-care product and then leaving them soaked in water or a denture-cleansing liquid overnight.

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