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- All you need to know about the treatment
Chlamydia is one of the most common. And potentially dangerous sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Furthermore, It comes in many forms. Which can also cause chlamydial conjunctivitis. One of the leading causes of blindness. Which is also the easiest to cure with prompt antibiotic treatment. Moreover, this infection is transmitted during unprotected sexual intercourse. Or by mother-to-child transmission during childbirth. The pathogen of this infection is known as Chlamydia trachomatis.
It is important to remember that modern Western medicine was not able to find an effective cure for this contagious disease. On the other hand, with the active substances of African medicinal plants. You have the possibility to cure yourself if you wish of chlamydia.
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Chlamydia is a viral disease that seriously harms human health as it kills at low cost like AIDS. Therefore, Chlamydia exists in different forms. For example, some types can induce lung infections leading to pneumonia.
Those affected with the disease are gone undetected In most cases. Some symptoms may be present. These include stomach pain. Then, pain during sex, frequent urination. And finally, vaginal bleeding or discharge. Men may also experience discomfort when urinating. Or also a frequent urge to urinate. In addition, men may notice that their testicles are swollen or red. Or that there is discharge from the penis.
Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in Europe. In fact, the majority of infected people has no symptoms. And is often unaware that they are affected by this STI. This is why Chlamydia is a « silent disease ».
Any sexually active person can therefore unknowingly carry an STI. And infect his or her partner. However, some symptoms may appear a few weeks after infection. These symptoms develop as follows:
Symptoms of Chlamydia (women)
Symptoms often observed in women:
– Burning sensations when urinating,
– Abdominal pain,
– Unusual and sometimes smelly vaginal discharge,
– Bleeding between periods or after intercourse,
– Pain during sex,
– Abnormal discharge from the anus.
For women, untreated chlamydia can cause pelvic inflammatory disease. The fallopian tubes can become scarred. And the uterus or ovaries can become infected. Untreated chlamydia can lead to infertility. For pregnant women, this disease carries risks for the newborn. Which is born with birth defects or may lead to miscarriage or premature labour. In addition, the newborn can develop conjunctivitis. After passing through the birth canal, which can lead to blindness.
Symptoms of chlamydia (men): chlamydia natural treatment
Man can feel :
– A tingling and itching in the urethra,
– Burns when he urinates,
– Pain and swelling in the testicles,
– An inflammation of the rectal wall.
In men, Chlamydia can infect the reproductive system. And cause permanent infertility. A rare disorder called Reiter’s Syndrome results in approximately 15,000 cases per year in men. Reiter causes severe arthritis. And young men. In particular, are at risk of contracting the disease.
CAUSE OF CHLAMYDIA:chlamydia natural treatment
A pathogenic bacterium is known as Chlamydia trachomatis that lodges in the cervix. And travels up to the urethra and even the rectum causes this STI.
What is the mode of transmission?
Unprotected sexual intercourse, whether vaginal. Anal or oral are the modes of transmission of Chlamydia. More rarely, a mother can transmit it. To a newborn, during natural childbirth. If the mother is carrying the bacteria or has chlamydia infections
In France, people infected are more than 316,725 with this virus CHLAMYDIA (TRACHOMATIS). And GONOCOCCIA in 2016 according to a survey published on July 18, 2018, by SANTE PUBLIQUE FRANCE.
It turns out that young people between 15 and 24 years old are the main victims. Particularly young women. Who accounts for 38% of all diagnoses of Chlamydia infections. « Among those under 25 years of age. This high prevalence is the consequence of a greater number of partners. Coupled with non-systematic use of condoms, » the survey states.
In addition, Ile-de-France and Guadeloupe are the regions most affected.
How can chlamydia be prevented?
The first line of defence is prevention because many people are carriers of the disease. And are unaware of the potential danger they pose to others.
In fact, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that approximately 4 million people. Contract the disease each year in the United States alone. Their recommendation is not to have casual sex. But also to engage in sex only with a long-term monogamous partner. Even with a monogamous partner, it is still important to use protection similar to the male or female condom. However, despite the non-use during oral sex or foreplay. Chlamydia and other STDs can still be transmitted.
If one intends to start a new relationship with a person. It is good that each partner made a test of STDs, including HIV.
Testing for chlamydia involves analyzing cells from the penis. Or vagina, usually very few cells. In addition, the doctor will perform a complete gynaecological examination of the woman. In addition, to test for signs of STDS. People can use the man’s penis and anus. Obviously, this may well prevent a person from getting this very serious disease. And help avoids reproductive difficulties later in life.
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