37- Get pregnant with Azoospermia, Azoospermia food to eat
Azoospermia also called low sperm count is one of the major causes of infertility. Around 10 per cent of infertile men and 1 per cent of all men have azoospermia. In our article, we’ve tried to define Azoospermia. Then shed more light on Subfertile vs Infertile vs Sterile. And finally, list some important food to increase your sperm count. Read till the end for more discoveries.
Azoospermia definition: G et pregnant with Azoospermia
Low sperm count Known as azoospermia is the medical term used when there is no sperm in the ejaculate. It can be “obstructive,” where there is a blockage preventing sperm from entering the ejaculate, or it can be “nonobstructive” when it is due to decreased sperm production by the testi

With the rate of infertility, it is obvious that many couples are facing issues when it comes to bearing children. Among its causes, we have a routine that involves drinking and smoking, no exercise, sitting jobs, overuse of radiation technology and getting married and conceiving at a late age. But, here the question is not about why but about how, so let’s assume that you are a couple wanting to conceive but the male partner is infertile. So, what all options do you have in that case? Quite a few, it seems.
Subfertile vs Infertile vs Steril: Get pregnant with Azoospermia
It is important to redefine that three concepts. Subfertile is the least severe condition of these three and can be dealt with easily. In this case, a pregnancy can be easily achieved but it may get hampered due to one reason or another. In infertility, the pregnancy, again, may be achieved but there are more difficulties than in subfertility. However, sterility is the most severe condition in which the fusion of the egg with the sperm never occurs. Now, you need to understand where your partner falls concerning these three categories. The solution that you need will be based on the condition of your partner.
When your partner is subfertile: IUI
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is one of the very common ways of achieving a pregnancy in which the male partner’s sperms are at least 10 million. The man’s semen is taken and washed by some special procedures in a laboratory. Of the sperms, a few are selected which are deemed to be of the best quality. Then, they are placed inside the female partner’s womb using a thin tube.
If your partner is infertile: IVF or ICSI
This procedure is not popular. but in In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) are two very similar procedures. The only difference is that in IVF, the egg and the sperm are left to unite in a petri dish. But in ICSI, a procedure that is followed if the sperm count is very low, the sperm is given an extra boost to merge with the egg. Both processes happen outside the womb and in a laboratory. Once the embryo is formed, it is put inside the womb.
If your partner is sterile: Donor sperm
This method is followed when the male partner has gone through a complete testicular failure, the ad has abnormal or no sperms. Donor sperm can then be obtained from semen banks, which have lately gained popularity. The sperm is then injected into the egg.
Foods That Can Increase Sperm Count and Motility Fast
If you want to ease sperm count and motility by food, then you can continue reading.
Approximately half of all cases of infertility are caused by men with the most notable issues being decreased sperm count and motility. Fortunately, men are constantly producing new sperm, and many of the issues that cause poor sperm health can be improved by eating foods that increase sperm count and motility and avoiding food and other behaviours known to harm sperm health.
Sperm health matters whether you’re trying to conceive naturally or with the help of fertility treatments like IUI (aka artificial insemination), IVF, or even Donor Egg IVF; so listen up, as this article will cover 10 of the top foods that increase sperm count and motility fast.
Beef: Loaded with Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin B 12, and Carnitine for Sperm Count and Motility
Beef is one of many foods that can support healthy sperm count and motility. It is loaded with all sorts of important nutrients for motility, sperm development, and overall sperm health, including zinc, selenium, vitamin B12, carnitine, and more.
1 lb Ribeye Steak | Amount | %Daily Value |
Zinc | 22.4 mg | 72% |
Selenium | 133.3 mcg | 192% |
Vitamin B12 | 6.4 mcg | 56% |
Carnitine | 432 mg | – |
The benefits of zinc for sperm quality are well documented, and zinc is one of the nutrients found at its highest concentration in beef. Zinc has been shown to improve many aspects of male fertility, including sperm count, motility, morphology, and more. Research has shown that zinc is found at a higher concentration in human seminal plasma compared to any other human tissue.
The results of a systematic review and meta-analysis on zinc and its relationship to male fertility showed that getting more zinc can significantly increase sperm volume, motility, and percentage of normal sperm morphology. Many other studies have produced similar findings and found that zinc can improve several aspects of male fertility.
Acetyl L-Carnitine (ALC), also known as carnitine, plays a pivotal role in the maturation of sperm. Most of the research surrounding carnitine indicates it is most effective at improving sperm motility, but it can also help to improve sperm morphology and overall male fertility.
So if you’re wondering how to increase sperm count and motility by food, the best place to start is likely a nice juicy steak.
Liver – Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, folate liver
The liver is a premium source of many different vitamins that have been shown to play a crucial role in supporting male fertility, like vitamins A and B12, folate, and Co Q10.
3.5 oz Liver | Amount | %DV |
Vitamin A | 14196 IU | 285% |
Vitamin B12 | 49.8 mcg | 831% |
Folate | 243.6 mcg | 60% |
Co Q10 | 4.5 mg | – |
Research has shown that vitamin A is essential for male reproduction. Vitamin A is required for the maintenance of the male genital tract and spermatogenesis (the development of sperm.)
Co Q10 is beneficial for men suffering from infertility issues, particularly asthenozoospermia (poor sperm motility.) Co-Q10 can help to improve several semen parameters, including; sperm concentration, count, and motility. That said, 4.5 mg of CoQ10 is much less than the recommended dosage of CoQ10 for Fertility so you may want to consider a male fertility supplement.
Still, the Vitamin B, B12, Folate, and Protein content of the liver makes it one of the best foods to boost sperm count and other aspects of sperm health.
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Oysters – Zinc, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and Selenium
We mentioned zinc content as one of the reasons beef is the number one food to boost sperm count, but there’s no doubt that when it comes to zinc alone, Oysters are king. Oysters contain the greatest amount of zinc of any food on this list, but they are also an excellent source of vitamin B 12, Vitamin D, and Selenium. This combo makes oysters one of the top foods for boosting sperm count and motility.
Oysters (6 medium) | Amount | %DV |
Zinc | 76.3 mg | 509% |
Vitamin B 12 | 16.3 mcg | 272% |
Selenium | 53.5 mcg | 76% |
Vitamin D | 269 IU | 67% |
Vitamin B12 plays an important role in sperm development, as it does with all cells. Research has shown that vitamin B12 can help improve sperm count, sperm motility, and overall sperm quality.
Since vitamin B12 plays an important role in sperm development, especially DNA synthesis, it makes sense that B12 improves the DNA integrity of sperm. Another study on vitamin B12 showed that in addition to improving motility, B12 can also help to improve sperm vitality.
Vitamin D and fertility are closely linked. The vitamin D receptor (VDR) and vitamin D metabolizing enzymes are found in male reproductive tissues Unfortunately, low vitamin D status has been associated with low semen quality. This is likely due to the influence that vitamin D has on the testis. Vitamin D directly affects hormone production and the development of sperm.
High vitamin D levels have been linked to increased sperm motility and overall semen quality.
In addition to vitamins B12 and D, oysters also contain a high concentration of selenium which has been shown to improve several aspects of male fertility.
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Tomatoes – Lycopene, Vitamin C
Tomatoes are another good source of vitamin C, but they also contain a substantial amount of the plant nutrient lycopene. Lycopene is what gives many different fruits their red colour. It is known to be a powerful antioxidant with several positive effects on male fertility.
Tomato (1 medium) | Amount | %DV |
Lycopene | 4 mg | – |
Vitamin C | 22.9 mg | 38% |
In one study, researchers found that consuming 4 mg of lycopene daily (the amount found in a medium-sized tomato) improved men’s sperm counts by on average 22 million/ml, their motility by 25%, and morphology by 10%. Other studies have confirmed these findings and shown support for lycopene improving male fertility.
That makes tomatoes one key food that helps boost sperm count and more.
Walnuts – Omega 3, Folate, B6, Zinc, Antioxidants
Walnuts contain multiple beneficial nutrients already mentioned in this article and also that haven’t been discussed yet. Two B vitamins that are particularly supportive of male fertility and sperm qualities are folate and B6.
Walnuts (1 cup) | Amount | %DV |
Omega 3 | 10,623 mg | – |
Folate | 115 mcg | 29% |
B6 | 0.6 mg | 31% |
Zinc | 3.6 mg | 24% |
Like some of the other nutrients previously mentioned, folate is essential for male fertility and plays an important role in spermatogenesis. During sperm development, sperm DNA undergoes multiple replications. Folate is required for proper DNA synthesis and replication.
When folate levels are low, sperm may replicate improperly, which reduces sperm quality. Vitamin B6 is growing in popularity in the fertility field. Evidence suggests that B6 plays an important role in maintaining normal sperm parameters. In one study, men with diminished sperm motility were found to have lower seminal plasma B6 when compared to men with normal sperm motility.
And that’s four reasons this yummy food increases sperm count.
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Garlic – A Surprise Food to Increase Sperm Count
It contains significant amounts of several vitamins and nutrients mentioned in this article, but garlic as a whole has been found to have positive effects on male fertility.
Garlic (1 cup) | Amount | %DV |
Vitamin C | 42.4 mg | 71% |
Vitamin B6 | 1.7 mg | 84% |
Selenium | 19.3 mcg | 28% |
Likely due to its antioxidant properties, garlic has been found to improve sperm production and testosterone levels.[50] Although additional studies are required to confirm the efficacy of using garlic to improve other aspects of male fertility, evidence suggests that garlic may also protect against damage to sperm production and testosterone levels caused by chemotherapy treatments.
Foods to avoid to Increase Sperm Count or Motility
As there are foods you can eat to improve sperm count and motility, there are also foods you should avoid.
Processed Meats: Get pregnant with Azoospermia
Research shows that eating processed meats may reduce a man’s ability to fertilize an egg. Researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health tracked the diets of 141 men undergoing IVF treatment with their female partners. A link was established between frequent processed meat consumption and lower fertilization rates. Men from the study who ate the least amount of processed meats had a 28% better chance of achieving pregnancy compared to men who ate the most processed meats.
Other studies have affirmed these findings.
Fried Food: G et pregnant with Azoospermia
When you’re trying to increase sperm count by food, you should steer clear of fried foods.
Fried foods contain high levels of trans fat, and trans fat can be extremely harmful to male fertility. Studies have shown that eating fried foods 1-2 times per week can decrease sperm counts by an average of 10.5% and sperm concentrations by 13.7%. Eating fried food 3 or more times per week can decrease sperm counts by an average of 24.5% and sperm concentrations by 17.2%
Trans fats have also been inversely related to total sperm count, even in young men who are otherwise considered healthy.
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Soy: Get pregnant with Azoospermia
Soy products contain xenoestrogens called phytoestrogens which are known to harm sperm. Phytoestrogens can reduce sperm concentration. Other studies agree with these findings and show that a higher intake of soy is associated with lower sperm concentration. The results of these studies have been published and discussed in Harvard Health Publishing
Alcohol: Get pregnant with Azoospermia
Everything is in moderation. It’s a wonderful adage, especially when it comes to alcohol and fertility health. Studies have shown that moderate alcohol consumption doesn’t have a significant impact on fertility. On the other hand, many studies exist showing that the fertility of alcoholic men suffers greatly.
One study, in particular, focused on the difference in sperm quality between alcoholic and non-alcoholic men. Researchers concluded that decreased semen quality is linked to increased alcohol consumption. A meta-analysis of 15 studies on alcohol and its effects on male fertility found that daily alcohol consumption had a consistently negative impact on sperm morphology and volume
The good news is that research has shown that men with a history of chronic alcohol intoxication can achieve a drastic improvement in semen characteristics after three months of alcohol withdrawal
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