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SEXUAL DISORDER (Erectile Dysfunction): WHAT IS IT?: Overcome Sexual Disorder
There is erectile dysfunction when the penis is filled with blood. Indeed, under the effect of stimulation, the muscles of the penis relax and let the blood enter the corpus cavernosum.
The corpus cavernosum, are two cylinders that extend along the length of the penis. This corpus cavernosum is formed by a flexible. But a very resistant shell that allows them to straighten. And become very rigid: this is called an erection.
But unfortunately, there are many causes that can prevent this mechanism. We then speak of erectile dysfunction. Which is defined as a lasting decrease in the quality of erection. That is, an inability to obtain. Or maintain an erection sufficient to have a satisfactory sexual relationship.
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Priapism is not sexual impotence or sexual disorder: it is a painful erection, lasting more than two hours, that occurs outside of any sexual stimulation and does not result in ejaculation.
Speaking of premature ejaculation, it is the emission of semen. That occurs at the very beginning of penetration. Or even before it. Like erectile dysfunction, these dysfunctions are considered disruptive to sexual life.
In order to better understand the causes of sexual impotence disorders. Let us recall that the erection takes place in several stages. And depends on several parameters:
Sexual arousal is linked to the psychological state. And the hormonal mechanisms that influence libido.
Sexual desire: Stimulation is transmitted from the brain to the penis through the nervous system.
The erection can also be spontaneous (without any stimulation). When it occurs at night, in connection with REM sleep cycles. Or in the morning when waking up.
It is often very difficult to determine a single cause of erectile dysfunction. Because there are usually three main causes:
– A physical ailment.
– Psychological problems.
– Taking certain medications
Physical factors
Among the main physical factors that cause erectile dysfunction are :
- high blood pressure caused blood vessel abnormalities (40% of erectile dysfunction). Diabetes, high cholesterol and smoking.
- Atheromatous plaques that, by depositing themselves on the walls of the arteries irrigating the penis, can cause the arteries to narrow and thus prevent the blood from circulating properly to achieve a real erection.
- Overweight and obesity.
- Abnormalities affecting the nervous system (and therefore the proper functioning) of the nerves such as alcoholism, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, a stroke or damage to the spinal cord.
- Kidney failure: 40% of men with kidney failure have erectile dysfunction.
- Hormonal abnormalities: male hormone levels are too low.
- Secondary abnormalities linked to traumatic causes: pelvic fractures associated with trauma to the urethra. Spinal cord trauma. But also microtrauma to the perineum, particularly in professional cyclists, are all reasons for dysfunction.
These erectile dysfunctions of physical origin mainly concern men over 50 years old. These dysfunctions generally appear progressively over several years and not suddenly.
Prostate cancer is the most diagnosed cancer in men. And the most commonly performed procedure. Total prostatectomy usually results in the (temporary) disappearance of erections. Surgeons very often perform a wide removal. So as not to risk leaving cancerous tissue behind. And because the erector nerves are very close to the prostate. They are often damaged. Whenever possible, these nerves are left in place. Allowing erections to be regained within less than a year. But in general, it is not uncommon. That it takes two years to regain a satisfactory erection quality.
What other causes are related to this disease?
Bladder, rectal and abdominal vascular surgery also usually causes erectile dysfunction.
Can tobacco, alcohol, drugs also be considered as causes?
Most men with erectile dysfunction are or have been smokers. Smoking aggravates high blood pressure. And the deposition of atheromatous plaques. While promoting venous leakage, i.e. an inability of the penile veins to retain blood.
Alcohol, although we can initially use it as a deinhibitor. Has a very harmful effect on the control of the erection since it is responsible for a drop in testosterone. The same effect can be seen with drugs, especially cannabis.
Psychological problems are more common in men under 40 years of age. And they usually occur abruptly, unlike physical problems. But they can be associated with them. And thus further increase erectile dysfunction.
Among these psychological problems are :
– Stress and anxiety.
– The fear of not performing well, of disappointing one’s partner.
– Social and media pressure is strong, forcing men (as well as women!!) to perform well in all areas. And especially in sexuality: this is the main psychological cause of erectile dysfunction.
– Depression.
– Relational problems: great shyness, inhibition.
– Complicated sexual identity and/or repressed homosexuality.
– Difficulties encountered in previous relationships and/or a history of trauma or sexual violence.
– Decreased desire in one of the partners in a worn-out couple that « no longer works ».
How do know the origin of erectile dysfunction? :
– If no erection is no longer possible or if the loss of erections has been progressive. The disorders are probably related to a physical condition.
– When erections still occur spontaneously at night. In the morning or during masturbation. The problems are often psychological in origin.
A number of drugs cause erectile dysfunction, including medications prescribed as part of treatment:
Epileptic seizures,
Gastric ulcers.
Finally, make the difference between treating a disease. And the need to have a satisfying sex life.
In medicine, impotence is the more nuanced term »erectile dysfunction ». Beware, just because a man has a « breakdown » from time to time doesn’t mean he suffers from erectile dysfunction, far from it. The breakdown is normal and almost inevitable. Over the course of a lifetime. On the other hand, if it occurs regularly. And affects the sexual life of the person concerned, there is a problem.
Technically, impotence is the inability of the man to achieve. Or maintain an erection rigid enough to allow satisfactory sexual intercourse. Especially vaginal penetration.
This pathology can have various origins. The most frequent cause is the psychological barrier: too strict education. Fear of intimacy first failed experiences. And then depression, conflict with the partner, etc. Other times, especially as we get older. A physiological problem causes this dysfunction. Here again, several parameters can intervene.
Illnesses can induce a decrease in the quality of the erection. It includes hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis…
Certain medications are also responsible for erectile dysfunction. This is the case with certain antidepressants. Antihypertensives or antiparkinsonian drugs.
Causes related to therapy and medication: Overcome Sexual Disorder
Today, many solutions exist to address this problem. Of course, it all depends on the cause.
If it is psychological, psychotherapy seems to be indispensable in the medium term. A famous blue pill can accompany it. which produces an automatic erection about 1 hour after absorption. It allows you to regain self-confidence. Even if the erection is theoretically possible without it.
We can consider intramuscular injections of androgens If it is a hormone deficiency. The intracavernous injection consists of introducing a liquid into the penis yourself. Via injections into the penis. which allows the vessels to dilate. Erection occurs a few minutes later.
But these methods have enormous repercussions on health in the medium and long term. To avoid any operation whatsoever to overcome an erectile disorder. The NGO AFRICA SANTE BIO make extensive research to find an ideal. And then the optimal solution to fight against this erectile disorder.
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